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One of biggest gaps for many emerging researchers is an incomplete understanding of how to use statistical analysis to help draw information from their data. This workshop will cover the basics of various statical tests and demonstrate how to use R (RStudio & R Commander) to get a deeper look at data without needing to take or re-take a statistics class.
This series or multi-session workshops will cover (1) overview of the popular statistical analyses for language research, (2) research design based on scenarios using the approach like O1 ---- X ---- O2, (3) wide-form and long-form data entry for analyses, (4) R Commander (GUI) and the provided syntax to check assumptions (outliers, normality, homogeneity, linearity, collinearity, sphericity) and perform statistical analyses including effect size, etc., (5) interpretating visual graphs and statistical results, (6) contrasting your findings with those found in reputable statistics (text)books.
Using the sample data files that are provided, the participants will gain practical experience. We will begin by utilizing R Commander (GUI) and gradually switch to the given R syntax in the workshop handouts because R Commander is not updated in real time and does not cover all the necessary analyses. Attendees will comprehend the basic syntax and substitute the red-marked variables for their own data analysis later.
Note: Please feel free to bring your own data and do statistical analysis during the sessions, if there is still time.
Reminder: The GUI and provided syntax will make it easier to follow up with subsequent sessions even if you have to skip a portion or the entire session.
Session 1: 12-2PM, Monday, January 13, 2025, 57 Olson Hall
Chi-Square: Goodness of Fit & Test for Independence
Correlation: Pearson's Product Moment vs. Spearman Rank Correlation
Regression: Simple vs Multiple Linear Regression
Session 2: 12-2PM, Monday, January 27, 2025, 57 Olson Hall
T-Test: Independent T-Test vs. Whitney U Test, Paired T-Test vs. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
One-Way ANOVA: Independent ANOVA vs. Krusak-Wallis Test
One-Way Repeated ANOVA: Repeated ANOVA vs. Friedman Test
Session 3: 12-2PM, Monday, February 3, 2025, 57 Olson Hall
Two-Way ANOVA:
Between-Between (Independent)
Within-Between (Mixed Design/Split-Plot)
(Two-Way Repeated ANOVA Optional)
Session 4: 12-2PM, Monday, February 10, 2025, 57 Olson Hall
ANCOVA: One-Way and Two-Way ANCOVA
Reliability: Inter-Rater, Internal Consistency, Parallel-Form, Test-Retest